
I just told a hiring manager they are nuts

And I quote “you are fucking nuts” is what I told them, after I endured 3 interviews, one of which was on site and half a day long, for a position asking for 4+ years experience, posting a salary of already 20k under what the position should be paid, which is still barely liveable, and then proceeding to offer me LESS than what was posted. After a brief back and forth negotiation with the owner and hiring staff of the company , mostly one sided – I was told something to the effect of “take it or leave it” to which I told them they are “fucking nuts if they think they will find anyone who can, much less is willing to take on this workload for that rate of pay.” It felt amazing and i definitely had to get it out of my system. I currently have a job…

And I quote “you are fucking nuts” is what I told them, after I endured 3 interviews, one of which was on site and half a day long, for a position asking for 4+ years experience, posting a salary of already 20k under what the position should be paid, which is still barely liveable, and then proceeding to offer me LESS than what was posted. After a brief back and forth negotiation with the owner and hiring staff of the company , mostly one sided – I was told something to the effect of “take it or leave it” to which I told them they are “fucking nuts if they think they will find anyone who can, much less is willing to take on this workload for that rate of pay.” It felt amazing and i definitely had to get it out of my system. I currently have a job that is getting me by, where my manager is basically my friend, so I have the luxury of doing this. I wouldnt recommend it, but they needed to hear it.

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