
I either have to sign paper work at a company I want to leave or be fired.

Pretty much the company I work at as an engineer got bought by the sister company. They now want me to sign a noncompete and sign over all of the intellectual property I've developed since I've started working here. I've been trying to leave this company for a while for a slew of reasons. I now need to choose whether to sign the paperwork or be fired. There is no time to find a new job before I decide.

Pretty much the company I work at as an engineer got bought by the sister company. They now want me to sign a noncompete and sign over all of the intellectual property I've developed since I've started working here. I've been trying to leave this company for a while for a slew of reasons. I now need to choose whether to sign the paperwork or be fired. There is no time to find a new job before I decide.

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