
Boss rant and advice please

I work at a grocery store and I have a department manager (Lisa) who is a disrespectful closet Xanax addict who forgets stuff constantly. I am only working one day a week now since my bf got a better job making $6 more an hour. He worked in same dept as me and when he left the environment got very cold and spiteful towards me bc he was the muscle of the deli who did a lot of the work and he had 40+ hrs a week and him leaving hurt the dept a good deal but they wouldn't give him a raise and we have a 3 y.o. daughter and bills to pay, so it was a no brainer to choose the higher paying job. Problem is they thought he should've waited until they found someone to replace him which would've never happened and now, 7wks later, still hasn't…

I work at a grocery store and I have a department manager (Lisa) who is a disrespectful closet Xanax addict who forgets stuff constantly. I am only working one day a week now since my bf got a better job making $6 more an hour. He worked in same dept as me and when he left the environment got very cold and spiteful towards me bc he was the muscle of the deli who did a lot of the work and he had 40+ hrs a week and him leaving hurt the dept a good deal but they wouldn't give him a raise and we have a 3 y.o. daughter and bills to pay, so it was a no brainer to choose the higher paying job. Problem is they thought he should've waited until they found someone to replace him which would've never happened and now, 7wks later, still hasn't happened. We can't keep ppl bc Lisa is such a horror to work with so most ppl dnt even last past their lunch break. We were down 3 ppl in our dept bc of different reasons so that left 1 person other than Lisa plus the bakery lady who is partially in our dept and Lisa decided to go on Vacation for the 3rd time in 3 months, while we are SO short staffed leaving a 70 u.o. woman to pick up the slack. . I have so many stories that make my blood boil but this post is already getting long. She's made everyone in the dept cry and she finally got me. She is the most unreasonable and hypocritical person I've ever met. Now I am usually a pretty passive person when comes to authority at work but I have been pushed to a breaking point and I've been rude back for the last 2 weeks. She immediately went and told one of the store managers (El). My war crime? I went to buy a drink and had to stand in line behind one person. When I got back I'm immediately greeted by Lisa “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOUVE BEEN GONE 10 MINS” (WASNT 10 MINS). This is after an entire day of her nit picking every little thing I did. I went to my bag to get a piece of gum and she followed me”what are you doing?”. I bumped into my coworker and said “excuse me” Lisa comes over and “what did you say?”
I go to the bathroom and she comes in and pretends that shes getting paper towels and LOOKS AT ME THROUGH THE CRACK OF THE DOOR! I'm not joking. The best part is that from 9am-11am she went to smoke 6x, but I get in trouble for getting a drink. To worse part is that she's really really really good at gaslighting so when I try to say something she is believable with her defenses and makes me believe that things didn't happen how I know they did.

Now, the real breaking point just happened.
I went on vacation 6-24 – 6-30 and I told her those dates multiple times but she decided to schedule me 6-29 and then I got back to work and I get a write up for a no call no show and she's so smug while giving me the paper and scolding me. I realized that that wasn't correct and confronted her and the top store manager (J) and I decide I'm not going to let her do this anymore and so I tried sticking up for myself and she gaslit so effectively that I stumbled a bit but i stood my ground and now it's even more tense and J is angry w me and is saying that “ill rip up the qrite up bur if you want to get technical then we'll be technical” meaning I need to be on top of everything and needs to pass the fine tooth comb test basically. I'm just so frustrated bc I feel like I would've gotten less shit if I just let them believe I no call no showed but I shouldn't have to be in trouble for something I didn't do and I had all my ducks in a row before I left and she misunderstood me. I should've submitted something in writing, yes. Idk I just feel like I should walk out. Should I leave or stick it out until I find a new job?

This is my first post ever so please be nice haha

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