
I nearly committed suicide over workplace accusations warning

I'm a thick skinned old school sun of a bitch fighting mountain lions 75 miles up hill in snow type person (ex military makes you that way) and I'm a semi boomer just not the noone wants to work concept. Except randos at work over one simple mistake would bring HR into a call every so often (about once to two times a week) they were all friends and family anyway so we knew which direction the conversation was going (favoritism). Someone had it out for me hard for no reason and accused me of something big and was told a lawyer was on stand by to join the call. I got so upset after busting my ass that I ended up overdosing on drugs and was in the ER and psych hospital. Fast forward to now they never fought my unemployment at all after quite a long tenure and…

I'm a thick skinned old school sun of a bitch fighting mountain lions 75 miles up hill in snow type person (ex military makes you that way) and I'm a semi boomer just not the noone wants to work concept. Except randos at work over one simple mistake would bring HR into a call every so often (about once to two times a week) they were all friends and family anyway so we knew which direction the conversation was going (favoritism).

Someone had it out for me hard for no reason and accused me of something big and was told a lawyer was on stand by to join the call. I got so upset after busting my ass that I ended up overdosing on drugs and was in the ER and psych hospital.

Fast forward to now they never fought my unemployment at all after quite a long tenure and the unemployment person was in such shock that they told me to go to EEOC. While I am better all I can say is sucks not to be working and I'll survive no matter what.

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