
Ask and ye shall receive

I was just about to leave from a genuinely hectic night shift, and I knew we’re extremely short for the next night, so I expected that I would be asked if I would come in extra. I was dancing around the idea, I had been weighing my guilt at leaving them short vs. my own sanity, and I was going to check in with my partner once I got home to see what their next couple of days looked like, since I couldn’t remember, before I committed. This was all in my head before I was ever formally asked to come in extra. So I’m steps away from the door, and my boss asks if I’ll come in for premium pay on top of the overtime. I waffle a little, grunt kind of non-committal, and tell my boss that I’ll think about it and text them one way or another…

I was just about to leave from a genuinely hectic night shift, and I knew we’re extremely short for the next night, so I expected that I would be asked if I would come in extra. I was dancing around the idea, I had been weighing my guilt at leaving them short vs. my own sanity, and I was going to check in with my partner once I got home to see what their next couple of days looked like, since I couldn’t remember, before I committed.

This was all in my head before I was ever formally asked to come in extra.

So I’m steps away from the door, and my boss asks if I’ll come in for premium pay on top of the overtime.

I waffle a little, grunt kind of non-committal, and tell my boss that I’ll think about it and text them one way or another when I get home.

Now that I’ve been directly asked, I’ll probably go in. It feels right, I don’t want to leave my (favorite) coworkers in a lurch. But I still genuinely need to check in with my spouse before committing, because we all know an extra nightshift has consequences for a few days.

Another coworker (dayshifter, and a kiss ass) hears the boss ask me and pipes up “just tell her no to her face”, which my boss then repeats “yeah m, just say no to my face” in a little bit of a bratty attitude.

So I did. I said nope, see you guys in a few days, and left!

I asked for time to consider, and I was met with attitude, so forget being accommodating, you’ll be fine without me!

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