
Demoted and dismissed for FMLA.

Today I was demoted for using protected FMLA leave. My boss informed me that FMLA absences were affecting the company my only available option would be to take an entry level demotion. When I explained why this is retaliation and punishment for using FMLA (which is extremely illegal btw), my concerns were dismissed. Needless to say I resigned on the spot. I have my FMLA emails and my resignation specifically mentions FMLA discrimination and demotion as a violation. Her reply: “I accept your resignation.” NEVER TRUST AN EXECUTIVE…

Today I was demoted for using protected FMLA leave. My boss informed me that FMLA absences were affecting the company my only available option would be to take an entry level demotion. When I explained why this is retaliation and punishment for using FMLA (which is extremely illegal btw), my concerns were dismissed. Needless to say I resigned on the spot. I have my FMLA emails and my resignation specifically mentions FMLA discrimination and demotion as a violation. Her reply: “I accept your resignation.”


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