
Pretty sure I’m being harassed but boss says his hands are tied.

When I was first being trained for my job, the woman training me was seriously lacking. Both my manager and assistant manager confirmed that I was trained terribly. The woman who trained me has been on a serious power trip since before I worked here. She is our lowest paid employee and doesn’t have as much access to things the full time employees like myself do. I think over the years, it’s just made her feel like she has to prove herself harder and this usually comes at the expense of other people’s hard work. In the past year that I’ve worked here, there have still been some gaps in things I’m doing vs. what I was trained to do, but I try my hardest to step up when I see I made an error I was unaware of and try not to place blame. Anytime I make even the…

When I was first being trained for my job, the woman training me was seriously lacking. Both my manager and assistant manager confirmed that I was trained terribly. The woman who trained me has been on a serious power trip since before I worked here. She is our lowest paid employee and doesn’t have as much access to things the full time employees like myself do. I think over the years, it’s just made her feel like she has to prove herself harder and this usually comes at the expense of other people’s hard work.

In the past year that I’ve worked here, there have still been some gaps in things I’m doing vs. what I was trained to do, but I try my hardest to step up when I see I made an error I was unaware of and try not to place blame.

Anytime I make even the tiniest mistake, the woman who trained me will send an email to our entire department stating what was done wrong and how doing the job right “isn’t that hard.” She never explicitly uses my name, but always sends the emails directly after my shift. My boss will normally respond to the whole group that we need to be more careful and that these mistakes are unacceptable. He never speaks to me one on one about the issue.

Since the emails have started, I’ve noticed other workers starting to send similar emails, specifically after my shift, or coworkers staying past our turnover “to make sure the job is done correctly.”

I feel like these emails have started to affect the way all my coworkers see me and has made them lose any respect they might have had for me in the beginning. I’m a damn hard worker and have given so much of myself to this company, but I’m constantly feeling defeated.

My boss has said since the emails don’t explicitly state my name, they can’t be about me in particular so he can’t do anything l. I emphasized they only come in directly after I’ve completed my shifts. When I have an issue with a coworker, I usually suck it up. If it’s a large enough issue, I go to my boss directly or kindly discuss it with the other person. To be tattled on to the entire department is demoralizing, but my boss refuses to address the issues or stop the emails.

Does anyone have advice on how I can address this with my boss or HR? I’ve been completely exhausted this past year and my mental health is suffering greatly over it.

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