
I turned down a job promotion because of my safety.

I've been an Assistant Manager with the company for 3 years now, and have definitely proven that I am an asset to them. I have never been late, I have never called in sick, and I always excel in my job requirements. A few weeks ago, our General Manager and Associate General Manager contracted COVID and were unable to work. On a Tuesday, this is the worst time for them to up and suddenly leave for medical purposes, as Tuesday was not only the end of the workweek for us but also the end of the month Period. With both of them gone, I had to step up and take care of all of the back office paperwork and continue to manage my team on a daily basis. Yes, I know that that was not my job, but it was either do the paperwork, or have corporate higher-ups bear down…

I've been an Assistant Manager with the company for 3 years now, and have definitely proven that I am an asset to them. I have never been late, I have never called in sick, and I always excel in my job requirements.

A few weeks ago, our General Manager and Associate General Manager contracted COVID and were unable to work. On a Tuesday, this is the worst time for them to up and suddenly leave for medical purposes, as Tuesday was not only the end of the workweek for us but also the end of the month Period.

With both of them gone, I had to step up and take care of all of the back office paperwork and continue to manage my team on a daily basis. Yes, I know that that was not my job, but it was either do the paperwork, or have corporate higher-ups bear down on the company. And nobody likes corporate.

Come 2 weeks later, the GM and AGM return and are rather impressed that the amount of paperwork that was left for them to do was significantly reduced, showing my moxie and capability of running the business in the event of an emergency. They speak to corporate about a potential raise and title promotion from Assistant Manager to Associate General Manager.

An offer was made: $52K a year (versus the 42K I was making now), but a different location of the business.

In the literal WORST part of the city, where the crime rate has skyrocketed exponentially over the past few years. At one of the WORST performing locations in the entire company. And lose the team that our management team has built up a rapport over the last 2 years.

Although I wanted the position and the raise, I had to consider my safety, as a Transitioning Woman, that the management team at the new location would not have my safety in mind were I to be assaulted in public. So I turned it down.

Was I terrified? Absolutely! Corporate seemed to take it well, knowing this information.

Don't be afraid to look after yourself first, even if it means turning down a promotion. You have one life. I wasn't going to let mine be taken prematurely.

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