
No response when applying for a job

Need help and advice for situations where you apply for a job you are interested in, but do not receive a response? There are many different scenarios where this can happen and here is my instance: trying to get out of my current job for many many reasons that are posted in this sub every day. I applied to a well known company in my area for an engineering role. I was fortunate enough to have a friend that works there and they submitted an employee referral for me. A week later their recruiter contacted me to schedule a phone interview for the following week. That day came and I had a great 20-30min phone call with them and before hanging up they explained what I should expect for next step in the hiring process. It was a Monday and they should contact me by Friday. Friday came and no…

Need help and advice for situations where you apply for a job you are interested in, but do not receive a response? There are many different scenarios where this can happen and here is my instance:
trying to get out of my current job for many many reasons that are posted in this sub every day. I applied to a well known company in my area for an engineering role. I was fortunate enough to have a friend that works there and they submitted an employee referral for me. A week later their recruiter contacted me to schedule a phone interview for the following week. That day came and I had a great 20-30min phone call with them and before hanging up they explained what I should expect for next step in the hiring process. It was a Monday and they should contact me by Friday. Friday came and no contact was made. Okay fine, I’ll give them until next week and just check in. The following week on Wednesday I checked in with the recruiter because I do not have another contact. They apologized for the delay and reassured me that someone should be contacting me no later then Friday the following week. Again, no contact. It’s been nearly a month now since I talked to the recruiter and my job application on their online portal still says the application status is still open. Needless to say I’m not impressed and now not sure if I even want to work for them any more. I think I should reach out to them, but I’m not quite sure what to say. Has anyone been basically ghosted on job applications and what would you recommend saying to them? I’m certainly annoyed but I’m trying really hard to stay professional, positive, and keep a door open for myself here in future. I think I should to tell them that I’m no longer interested in the job due to their lack of communication or following through, but not sure how to say it. At this point I could just ignore and forget it all and never reach out to them, but that seems wrong.

TLDR: had great interview with recruiter, then company never reached out even when told someone would. It’s been a month. What would you say to the employer next time you reach out?

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