
why would I take responsibility when I’m not paid to

the work group chat popped off this morning because the close was bad last night. The close was me and a new starter. I don’t know how new he is – I’ve just got back from 3 weeks off. He smashed through the close, knew what he was doing so I cracked on with all my own jobs and extra things off the bar, helping the floor etc. Come the end he was like ‘everything on front bar is done’ and I was like, great! Finished my stuff and we went to help the floor before clocking out. Texts this morning are about how awful his part of the close was, things not done properly etc. i didn’t reply but god I KNOW when I go in tomorrow I’m going to be given the shit for it. I’m a bartender, not a supervisor. If I see someone doing something wrong,…

the work group chat popped off this morning because the close was bad last night. The close was me and a new starter. I don’t know how new he is – I’ve just got back from 3 weeks off. He smashed through the close, knew what he was doing so I cracked on with all my own jobs and extra things off the bar, helping the floor etc. Come the end he was like ‘everything on front bar is done’ and I was like, great! Finished my stuff and we went to help the floor before clocking out. Texts this morning are about how awful his part of the close was, things not done properly etc. i didn’t reply but god I KNOW when I go in tomorrow I’m going to be given the shit for it. I’m a bartender, not a supervisor. If I see someone doing something wrong, I’ll tell them. If someone cracks on with it, I’ll let them be. I did every job I did to the letter. It’s not my responsibility to double check everyone does everything else properly – that is literally not my job. If anyone tries to tell me I should have checked his work I will have to bite my tongue so I don’t tell them to fuck off lmao. I’m a good bartender and a good closer but I’m not going to hold myself responsible for making sure other people have been trained properly. Not my circus not my monkeys is a very annoying phrase but it has relevance here. Not looking forward to my next shift.

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