
Had to work 18 hours on my one vacation day

I was supposed to have yesterday off, my birthday. My one and only scheduled vacation day of the year. I have not called in once, nor taken any other days because it's damn near impossible to get them to approve vacation day requests. I managed to get my birthday approved. I had to request it back in February and got denied twice before I made such a stink about it that my manager's manager finally caved and gave me my one pissley day and cashed out my other 4. Unfortunately, a manager in another section from mine passed away on Sunday, and his funeral was yesterday. They allowed for anyone in his section and all other managers and supervisory staff to have the day off to go to the funeral if they wanted to. In turn, they made my entire department cover both sections since pretty much everyone who could,…

I was supposed to have yesterday off, my birthday. My one and only scheduled vacation day of the year. I have not called in once, nor taken any other days because it's damn near impossible to get them to approve vacation day requests. I managed to get my birthday approved. I had to request it back in February and got denied twice before I made such a stink about it that my manager's manager finally caved and gave me my one pissley day and cashed out my other 4. Unfortunately, a manager in another section from mine passed away on Sunday, and his funeral was yesterday. They allowed for anyone in his section and all other managers and supervisory staff to have the day off to go to the funeral if they wanted to. In turn, they made my entire department cover both sections since pretty much everyone who could, said they wanted to go. They then mandated myself and another person to work even though we were scheduled off for vacation. Because there was so much to do, everyone in my section ended up being there for 18 hours. All this was shitty enough – then today we found out that most of the people who took the day off to attend the funeral, didn't even go. There's not a day that goes by that I don't fantasize about saying screw this place and walking out the door. I have been trying to find another job with comparable pay, but haven't had much luck so far. At this point, I'm thinking I might just take 2 minimum wage jobs while I keep searching. Trying to decide if working 80 hours a week for peanuts would be better than dealing with 40-50 hours in this hellhole.

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