
I’m hurting the community because someone’s EBT card declined.

This customer's EBT card declined like 3x, all while berating my coworker saying shit like “Are you doing your job right?” so I went over to help and try again. I asked him IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE “Are you positive you have enough money on the card for this because sometimes EBT cards won't go through if the purchase is more than what's on the card”, and he seemed offended by that but said yes (I apologized after asking bc I understand it's not a great question to ask, and he said he understood but still had an attitude). After it declined again, I said I'd call a manager but he declined and paid in cash while saying “This is the only store this happens to me at, you know you guys really aren't helping the community, I'm sure your manager would love to hear this.” ????? okay????? how…

This customer's EBT card declined like 3x, all while berating my coworker saying shit like “Are you doing your job right?” so I went over to help and try again. I asked him IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE “Are you positive you have enough money on the card for this because sometimes EBT cards won't go through if the purchase is more than what's on the card”, and he seemed offended by that but said yes (I apologized after asking bc I understand it's not a great question to ask, and he said he understood but still had an attitude). After it declined again, I said I'd call a manager but he declined and paid in cash while saying “This is the only store this happens to me at, you know you guys really aren't helping the community, I'm sure your manager would love to hear this.” ????? okay????? how is YOUR ebt card declining MY fault? YOU declined a manager to come over to fix the issue, and me and my coworker are the ones singehandedly hurting the community? okay buddy

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