
random, unexpected change to our call out policy

today my company sent out a mass email notifying us about a change to our normal call out policy. our work is intense physical labor that involves spraying gallons and gallons of pesticides during extreme heat onto plants that have already gone to seed (meaning that the herbicide application is completely pointless). we’re drastically underpaid, even those of us who have stuck around long enough to make it into a higher role as either a trainer or a project manager. our pay is significantly lower than other similar organizations. the only benefit of working for this company was the fact that we could essentially call out whenever, whether we’re physically exhausted, mentally drained, personal reasons, etc. the company was pretty lax about call outs (to an extent) and thats a reason so many of us have stuck around. the email we got today stated that we will be forced to…

today my company sent out a mass email notifying us about a change to our normal call out policy. our work is intense physical labor that involves spraying gallons and gallons of pesticides during extreme heat onto plants that have already gone to seed (meaning that the herbicide application is completely pointless). we’re drastically underpaid, even those of us who have stuck around long enough to make it into a higher role as either a trainer or a project manager. our pay is significantly lower than other similar organizations. the only benefit of working for this company was the fact that we could essentially call out whenever, whether we’re physically exhausted, mentally drained, personal reasons, etc. the company was pretty lax about call outs (to an extent) and thats a reason so many of us have stuck around. the email we got today stated that we will be forced to use up all of our PTO and sick time and can no longer choose to take an unpaid day off. this is basically their way of forcing people to call off less often. this may not seem like a big deal to someone who doesnt work for this company, but it has been our ONLY perk. this job takes a lot out of us and we need rest days. 8-12 hour days, 5 days a week, exposing our bodies to harmful chemicals, all while making chump change. i’m desperately trying to find a new job. i’m fed up. am i over reacting?!

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