
Company convinced me to quit

Tried to use 9% inflation to get a bigger than 2% raise and was told they can’t go any higher after the owner and his gf just dropped 7 weeks of my wages on fireworks. Literally setting money on fire. They also own at least 7 or more vehicles between the two of them and about 5 of them cost more than I make in 2 years. His gf is also an executive in the company and her sister is the only person on our payroll that gets paid double-time for weekends. The owner’s cousin, who is also costing the company thousands in scrap is out with gout again and is being allowed to work half days without using sick time. Yesterday my GM said he’d get with me today about the raise after he rambled on about Biden and how inflation rolls downhill. I texted him at 2pm asking…

Tried to use 9% inflation to get a bigger than 2% raise and was told they can’t go any higher after the owner and his gf just dropped 7 weeks of my wages on fireworks. Literally setting money on fire. They also own at least 7 or more vehicles between the two of them and about 5 of them cost more than I make in 2 years. His gf is also an executive in the company and her sister is the only person on our payroll that gets paid double-time for weekends. The owner’s cousin, who is also costing the company thousands in scrap is out with gout again and is being allowed to work half days without using sick time.

Yesterday my GM said he’d get with me today about the raise after he rambled on about Biden and how inflation rolls downhill. I texted him at 2pm asking when he would be back to talk. I got a response at 8pm that he isn’t coming back to talk to me, there’s no money for raises, and to let me know what I decide. Will be going into their office(s) in a few hours to hand in my resignation.

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