
I will have to pay if my company laptop is stolen

Probably important: I'm not American (sorry for bad English, etc.) but work for Americans. Basically an American company needs people for his HR team and a company here hire us to work for them for about $500 a month. Not really a bad salary in my country and it's a full remote job so I'm mostly happy. However, my local company wants us to go in person twice a moth in order to “get together”. Now I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but there's absolute no reason to get together with coworkers from my country, I don't talk with them, I don't really work with them, I don't even know how many of us there are. My job consists on working 100% with Americans. Anyways, it's good for a change I thought. But today they told us we will have to take our laptops (the ones we use to…

Probably important: I'm not American (sorry for bad English, etc.) but work for Americans. Basically an American company needs people for his HR team and a company here hire us to work for them for about $500 a month. Not really a bad salary in my country and it's a full remote job so I'm mostly happy.

However, my local company wants us to go in person twice a moth in order to “get together”. Now I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but there's absolute no reason to get together with coworkers from my country, I don't talk with them, I don't really work with them, I don't even know how many of us there are. My job consists on working 100% with Americans. Anyways, it's good for a change I thought.

But today they told us we will have to take our laptops (the ones we use to work) with us those 2 days. This wouldn't be a problem if my city wasn't really really really insecure and people were literally risking their lives when they take a laptop outside (seriously, people can get killed over a phone, for a laptop they'll shoot you without hesitation). Again, I tried to be positive and thought “well, their risk”. NOPE. They told us that we'll have to pay 40% of the laptop price if we get robbed. 40%. For some stupid meeting that we don't want, that we don't need, that it's gonna already make us waste about 3 hours a day on commuting and will put us in risk. They will have the audacity to make us pay half of our salary for their stupidity.

I'm really mad right now, I wanted to tell them that it's not fair and that it's a fucking bad idea in the first place, but that would probably get me fired so I'll just have to pray nobody chooses to fuck me those days. Actually I have it easy, some other people will have to travell for about 4 hours and waste some serious money on transportation.

TL,DR: My company will force us to work in person twice a month and take our laptops with us. If my laptop is stolen, I will have to pay half my salary.

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