
40°c at work?

I've been wondering if I should post and ask for help but looking at the weather forecast I need advice. For all the English users here(I hope we exist abit here) there is a strong heatwave and on Monday its going to be the worst day. And to make it worse the place I work at doesn't have Aircon. If anyone's been to b@m I think the general reputation is just hot unbearable stores. The past couple of weeks the store has easily been like 35°c but this Monday its forecast 38° so it's safe to say it's going to be ATLEAST 40 here… There's no legal requirement for them to do much and they say they are doing all they can (but are too cheap for Aircon) is there anything I can say to dodge a literal hell shift? I can't just say it's too hot it feels like…

I've been wondering if I should post and ask for help but looking at the weather forecast I need advice.

For all the English users here(I hope we exist abit here) there is a strong heatwave and on Monday its going to be the worst day. And to make it worse the place I work at doesn't have Aircon. If anyone's been to b@m I think the general reputation is just hot unbearable stores.

The past couple of weeks the store has easily been like 35°c but this Monday its forecast 38° so it's safe to say it's going to be ATLEAST 40 here… There's no legal requirement for them to do much and they say they are doing all they can (but are too cheap for Aircon) is there anything I can say to dodge a literal hell shift? I can't just say it's too hot it feels like and I don't know if I can call in sick but I'm starting to feel sick thinking about Monday…

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