
small business I work for joked not to get hurt because there’s “no workman’s comp” ha ha…

And less than 60 days in, I turned a corner fast and hit my head on a corner of a shelf. I got a good enough gash and there was enough blood I had the manager drop me off at urgent care. No stitches but glued shut, and when they asked if it was on workman's comp I said yes, because I was on the job. But I'm kinda scared now. I live in a right to work state, they could make up any reason to fire me. I know I need to keep everything going forward in writing where possible but, any additional advice?

And less than 60 days in, I turned a corner fast and hit my head on a corner of a shelf.

I got a good enough gash and there was enough blood I had the manager drop me off at urgent care.
No stitches but glued shut, and when they asked if it was on workman's comp I said yes, because I was on the job.

But I'm kinda scared now.

I live in a right to work state, they could make up any reason to fire me.

I know I need to keep everything going forward in writing where possible but, any additional advice?

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