
Told I can complain, but just to the boss man

Throwaway for reasons. I, like many of you on this sub, have been frustrated at the increasing cost of living while seeing seemingly less and less money coming in. At this point with two jobs I’m netting negative. It’s hard. I’m tired all the time. And I’m tired of pretending it’s easy or right. I’ve been asked directly how I’m doing and I’ve been honest. I’ve heard from people on my team they feel much the same way, which made me feel a sense of trust and camaraderie with my cohorts. I’m sure you all see where this is going. I got called into a meeting and told that my coworkers are complaining about me complaining to them, that I’m fomenting dissension among the ranks so to speak. Not just coworkers, former as well. It felt like such a stab in the back. The tiny bit of trust I had…

Throwaway for reasons.

I, like many of you on this sub, have been frustrated at the increasing cost of living while seeing seemingly less and less money coming in. At this point with two jobs I’m netting negative. It’s hard. I’m tired all the time. And I’m tired of pretending it’s easy or right.

I’ve been asked directly how I’m doing and I’ve been honest. I’ve heard from people on my team they feel much the same way, which made me feel a sense of trust and camaraderie with my cohorts.

I’m sure you all see where this is going.

I got called into a meeting and told that my coworkers are complaining about me complaining to them, that I’m fomenting dissension among the ranks so to speak. Not just coworkers, former as well.

It felt like such a stab in the back. The tiny bit of trust I had built with my people vanished in the blink of a very surprised eye.

Boss man basically said I was welcome to shit on the wrongs all I want, but just to him and to cover my ass with my team. No shit, clearly I can’t trust anyone.

Tl;dr: I’m poor, I’m stressed, I got stabbed in the back by people I thought I could trust. Lesson learned.

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