
Skipped a day of work each week for the past 4 weeks

Been working at a fast food place for the past month, as you’d expect it’s not a job one would be happy about, I only make 10.25 an hour, really only took it up for some extra cash before going out on a trip which is why I don’t really care if I get fired. Anyways, I’ve been skipping every Friday for the past month because I’ve begun to notice I’m kinda outcasted from everyone else, I do just enough, but don’t shoot above and beyond for no one to notice me. My coworkers don’t seem to care too much for me, occasionally I get shit because I don’t smile from one of the managers, so now I’ve just pretty much made it a habit to skip every Friday. Sometimes, I’d even come into a shift 8 shots in (don’t worry, I don’t booze cruise) and I’d just work half…

Been working at a fast food place for the past month, as you’d expect it’s not a job one would be happy about, I only make 10.25 an hour, really only took it up for some extra cash before going out on a trip which is why I don’t really care if I get fired. Anyways, I’ve been skipping every Friday for the past month because I’ve begun to notice I’m kinda outcasted from everyone else, I do just enough, but don’t shoot above and beyond for no one to notice me. My coworkers don’t seem to care too much for me, occasionally I get shit because I don’t smile from one of the managers, so now I’ve just pretty much made it a habit to skip every Friday. Sometimes, I’d even come into a shift 8 shots in (don’t worry, I don’t booze cruise) and I’d just work half the shift drunk off my ass, one time corporate even came in and I was on my phone I was yelled at by my manager to get off of it and I just laughed. Really, I’m also taking out some of the pent up anger I had from working at some other fast food place as my first job and in that one I let management walk all over me. I don’t plan on staying in this position forever, I plan on doing personal training and fighting on the side, I just have to get my certifications first, so this job is certainly easy to not take serious.

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