
Should I quit my paying job to a pursue a career that requires my full time attention?

I work part time at a decently paying job that I don’t completely hate, but routinely fucks me over. I also work the rest of the time at a tattoo shop where I’m learning to tattoo. One on hand, I don’t have a whole lot saved up so if I quit the job that I regularly get paid at I don’t know if financially I can hold out until I get my license. I know that once I start professionally tattooing I can make a thousand or more in a week if I really bust my ass. I know that if I focus full time on my learning that I can start tattooing sooner (something everyone at the shop is keen to point out). I think I’m going to turn in my two weeks at my paying job so that way I’ll still have two paychecks afterwords bc of a…

I work part time at a decently paying job that I don’t completely hate, but routinely fucks me over. I also work the rest of the time at a tattoo shop where I’m learning to tattoo. One on hand, I don’t have a whole lot saved up so if I quit the job that I regularly get paid at I don’t know if financially I can hold out until I get my license. I know that once I start professionally tattooing I can make a thousand or more in a week if I really bust my ass. I know that if I focus full time on my learning that I can start tattooing sooner (something everyone at the shop is keen to point out). I think I’m going to turn in my two weeks at my paying job so that way I’ll still have two paychecks afterwords bc of a weird pay cycle. The thing is I also like to be able to afford to eat, and since the shop is a few towns over and gas is $4.00 a gallon I don’t know realistically I can go until I’m bankrupt lol. So strangers on the internet, what are your collected advises?

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