
Human beings are a commodity

Sort of revelation today while driving home from work. Human beings, particularly in America but overall in our system are nothing but an expendable commodity at best or depending on the group in charge a resource to be reallocated as needed. We’re only compensated for time at jobs because it’s easier compared to enforcing slavery. Laws are set up to keep most people in line or single out specific groups for induction into the prison system to be utilized as those in power deem appropriate. Mainly in work they know others won’t do. We accept this as normal. We promote commodification over anything else. We are a resource to be squeezed, used and when worn out discarded and replaced. Abortion rulings here are not about life, it’s about a preference for a specific commodity (white people) and continuing production of such.

Sort of revelation today while driving home from work. Human beings, particularly in America but overall in our system are nothing but an expendable commodity at best or depending on the group in charge a resource to be reallocated as needed. We’re only compensated for time at jobs because it’s easier compared to enforcing slavery. Laws are set up to keep most people in line or single out specific groups for induction into the prison system to be utilized as those in power deem appropriate. Mainly in work they know others won’t do. We accept this as normal. We promote commodification over anything else. We are a resource to be squeezed, used and when worn out discarded and replaced. Abortion rulings here are not about life, it’s about a preference for a specific commodity (white people) and continuing production of such.

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