
Say You’re On Break…

alright I had this happen to a friend so I'm curious, if you were on break and a customer came up with a complaint would you sit and listen to them and waste your whole break or get a manager and go elsewhere? she told me she couldn;t cuz she was with her GM but like I'm pretty damn sure she's hourly so when she's on break she is absolutely not getting paid. personally, if I clock out and you come in wanting like some quick small thing, I'm more than happy to help you real quick. But if you come in and wanna bitch for 30min and I;m trying to eat my lunch? yeah sorry I'm on break bud. brought this up to a team member and a manger and they both said it didn't matter if we were on break, we should help them and like more or…

alright I had this happen to a friend so I'm curious, if you were on break and a customer came up with a complaint would you sit and listen to them and waste your whole break or get a manager and go elsewhere? she told me she couldn;t cuz she was with her GM but like I'm pretty damn sure she's hourly so when she's on break she is absolutely not getting paid.

personally, if I clock out and you come in wanting like some quick small thing, I'm more than happy to help you real quick. But if you come in and wanna bitch for 30min and I;m trying to eat my lunch? yeah sorry I'm on break bud.
brought this up to a team member and a manger and they both said it didn't matter if we were on break, we should help them and like more or less WANT to help cuz it's rude to have them be mad and tell them you won't help them or some shit. It just makes me realize how fucking brainwashed people are when it comes to work and customer service and how to treat customers. Legally, if I'm clocked out, I can't be doing any actual work in case I get hurt doing it and then im not covered by their insurance and it's a whole shit show for my GM, so like you bet your ass that applies to customer service imo. My manager tried to ask me “so if you walked into a store already mad as hell and the employee you spoke to said “sorry im on break I can't help you”, wouldn't you be furious?” and I was just like “absolutely not because I'm a logical and rational human being who understands that those employees just fucking work there, it's not their company and they are people who need and get breaks, I can wait 10 seconds for a manager”. Of course she looked irritated with that answer, like sorry I'm not a piece of shit LOL

but then again this is the same person who earlier told me “I don't like it when people say that it isn't their shift or their position to do something when we ask them. this is a company where everyone looks out for each other”. to which my response was a “playfully” ssarcastic “ah yes, doing the jobs of 3 people for one paycheck!” (my AGM literally heard me, laughed and called me vicious)

I'm just so sick of this mindset that we need to be fucking sub servant to the customers to make the company look good, the fuck do I care? It's not MY company

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