
Something has to give.

OMG I’m so sick of this shit. The world is crazy. People cannot afford to pay for basic necessities. Everyday life is getting harder and harder. Employers are squeezing every little bit out of people. What the actual fuck. I have a rant/ story to tell. With this being said please I know I am aware and fully understand there is a lot more people that have it worst than most. EVERYONE is going through this inflation/recession (if we can call it that yet). EVERYONE HAS A LOT TO BE ANGRY ABOUT! I am so tired of people condescending others/ acting like they’re they only ones being affected or just acting and talking erratic because they could do so. I wouldn’t compare anybody’s situation to others because not everybody is going through the same thing however we are all feeling the effects of the same situation but just in different…

OMG I’m so sick of this shit. The world is crazy. People cannot afford to pay for basic necessities. Everyday life is getting harder and harder. Employers are squeezing every little bit out of people. What the actual fuck. I have a rant/ story to tell. With this being said please I know I am aware and fully understand there is a lot more people that have it worst than most. EVERYONE is going through this inflation/recession (if we can call it that yet). EVERYONE HAS A LOT TO BE ANGRY ABOUT! I am so tired of people condescending others/ acting like they’re they only ones being affected or just acting and talking erratic because they could do so. I wouldn’t compare anybody’s situation to others because not everybody is going through the same thing however we are all feeling the effects of the same situation but just in different ways. Gas is high, rent is high, food is high, etc. I think we can all agree on that.

A little back story to myself. I currently work two jobs. I picked up a second at the start of inflation to pay off my credit cards. I work a full time job and a part time job and also in college full time (15 credit semesters). I finally get graduate in May!!! Yay me I get to graduate in a recession. I working for a insurance company I don’t want to say which one but its deals with medical insurance. My second is a simple job at Subway. Or at least I thought.

It wasn’t until recently to where I began to start hating to work. I’ve worked two jobs ever since I was 16 mostly in the field of retail. I don’t know what’s going on other than the typical stuff that we know of with this country but this passive aggressive shit with people has to fucking stop. I have two stories for you both of these happen within days of each other. I don’t care how many people say they’re understanding of the short staff and wait times, THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT!

Today at Subway has made me realize all of this. I can understand and I see why nobody is willing to go back to certain jobs there’s too much bullshit going on from management to people that are just downright fucking ridiculous. The subway that I work at it is open from six in the morning to 10 o’clock at night there is only four of us on the roster. Today a guy gets extremely upset with me because the store is short staffed and he’s upset because the family in front of him has about five or six kids and I keep having to do sandwiches for the order. The man is yelling and as I quote, “ I’m so sick and tired of all these places being short staffed. Every time I have a day off and try to enjoy myself and do things I can’t because I have to wait because nobody wants to work. How hard can it be to staff people at a damn Subway? It’s uneducated people like you that are lazy and don’t want to work. Now us that do work can’t even enjoy our time off from our stressful jobs because you lazy fucks.” (Me inside my head: Sorry sir that we only have 4 employees and that I have another job and an education I’m trying to pursue and cannot met your expectations cause I’m a lazy fuck that doesn’t want to work. oh yeah I get paid $7.25 at Subway btw) Now let me jump over to my other job. Just a few days prior to this same kind of bullshit. I work from home at my insurance job and I received a call from a lady she was upset because she forgot her username to our website and it was our fault. I was trying to sympathize with her letting her know hey I understand it’s frustrating we all have a lot going on in the world I’m sorry let me me see if I can help she goes,” We’ll I don’t have time for this shit I work seven days a week 12 hour shifts (She works at a bank) I’m not going to get into a pissing match with you.” (Again me in my head: WTF)

This is a great example of how misery loves company. This is another reason why a lot of people aren’t returning to specific jobs. It’s not that nobody wants to work it’s that nobody wants to put up with bullshit of people and management to get paid shit ass wages. Like I said earlier a lot of us are going through some shit I wouldn’t say I’m in the worst of situations but yes a lot of my necessities are far more expensive to the point to where it’s becoming beyond my reasonable means. A lot of people have a lot of shit going on and who wants to put up with stupidness like this. But in the eyes of society right now a person like me if I was to quit my second job I’m just lazy and don’t wanna work screw the whole fact of there’s only four of us working and I’m dealing with rude people all day at $7.25 an hour.

I give up.

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