
I like what I do, but…

I only do it for the paycheck. I enjoy my work. I work in an industry related to my college major (which I chose for passion). I find it interesting, engaging, and often times fun. I like the people I work with to boot. But why do I do it? For the fucking money. I work and do the things I have to for the money to do the things I want to. I’d still do what I do for my own enjoyment, but I wouldn’t do what I do for a nanosecond for the company without getting paid. Of course, when management asks I say oH iT’s nOt aLL aBouT THe pAy, but it 100% is. I don’t work for you (the corporation), I work for me. I have no loyalty to the management, CEO, or stockholders (and I know they have none for me). So the second I…

I only do it for the paycheck.

I enjoy my work. I work in an industry related to my college major (which I chose for passion). I find it interesting, engaging, and often times fun. I like the people I work with to boot. But why do I do it? For the fucking money. I work and do the things I have to for the money to do the things I want to.

I’d still do what I do for my own enjoyment, but I wouldn’t do what I do for a nanosecond for the company without getting paid.

Of course, when management asks I say oH iT’s nOt aLL aBouT THe pAy, but it 100% is. I don’t work for you (the corporation), I work for me. I have no loyalty to the management, CEO, or stockholders (and I know they have none for me). So the second I get a better offer, I’m gone unless you give me a reason to stay, which you probably won’t, so eat a satchel of richards.

eattherich #recordprofitsareunpaidwages


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