
I hate working period.

I feel like I'm stuck at a job with minimum wage that barely pays my rent. I don't have enough time to meet people outside of work, I'm not interested in any career so far. I just want to explore hobbies like hiking or skiing and I can't. It's all just work. I work weekends so I can't even hang out with my family most of the time. My manager just discussed in the break room how she started working when she was 13. I feel like that's all it is is work, work, work. What about art, what about other shit? This society we live in and what we put up with is just depressing.

I feel like I'm stuck at a job with minimum wage that barely pays my rent. I don't have enough time to meet people outside of work, I'm not interested in any career so far. I just want to explore hobbies like hiking or skiing and I can't. It's all just work. I work weekends so I can't even hang out with my family most of the time. My manager just discussed in the break room how she started working when she was 13. I feel like that's all it is is work, work, work. What about art, what about other shit? This society we live in and what we put up with is just depressing.

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