
Anxious about putting my two weeks in

Long story short, I've been at my current job for about a year and a half. I truly enjoy the people I work with but just cant keep up with the long hours and mandatory OT on off days due to staffing issues. I am flat out burnt out. I feel like I never have anytime off. I've accepted a new job with less hours and more pay. My work/life balance would be significantly increased and I would finally be done with shift work, working M-F 9-5. I'm not worried about talking to management about leaving but more so screwing over my coworkers who are already short staffed and will be even further with me leaving. Am I over thinking this and should just get it over with and just worry about myself? TIA

Long story short, I've been at my current job for about a year and a half. I truly enjoy the people I work with but just cant keep up with the long hours and mandatory OT on off days due to staffing issues. I am flat out burnt out. I feel like I never have anytime off. I've accepted a new job with less hours and more pay. My work/life balance would be significantly increased and I would finally be done with shift work, working M-F 9-5. I'm not worried about talking to management about leaving but more so screwing over my coworkers who are already short staffed and will be even further with me leaving. Am I over thinking this and should just get it over with and just worry about myself?


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