
As a small business owner i would like to know a few things.

I dont know why businesses don't allow employees to discuss salary? Wouldn't it just inspire the employees with lower wages to perform better leading to a increment in revenue to the business? Also why would a business hire someone for a higher wage but don't pay an experienced employee atleast the current wage trends to keep them motivated enough to work for the company. Three weeks ago, i had a couple of my employees talk with me about the gap in their salary compared to their colleagues , which i explained to them in the most straightforward way and pointed out where they've been lacking and also listened to why they weren't able to perform in the areas i pointed out. Since then, I've seen a sharp increase in productivity and not just in the two who spoke to me but all around the business. Well i guess they're getting…

I dont know why businesses don't allow employees to discuss salary? Wouldn't it just inspire the employees with lower wages to perform better leading to a increment in revenue to the business? Also why would a business hire someone for a higher wage but don't pay an experienced employee atleast the current wage trends to keep them motivated enough to work for the company. Three weeks ago, i had a couple of my employees talk with me about the gap in their salary compared to their colleagues , which i explained to them in the most straightforward way and pointed out where they've been lacking and also listened to why they weren't able to perform in the areas i pointed out. Since then, I've seen a sharp increase in productivity and not just in the two who spoke to me but all around the business. Well i guess they're getting their increments in their next paycheck.

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