
My five year plan to escape the Matrix

Story So I just left a job where my supervisor was incompetent and there was no structure. It was amazing… My boss was basically in over his head and was not able to keep track of myself and two other reps that covered territory across 3 states. This meant working whenever I wanted. Starting my day at 11 am and ending it at 2:30 pm. I’d fudge my field reports so no one was the wiser. Mondays and Fridays were office days and work from home so basically only worked 3 days a week. Maybe 15 hours a week total. I left voluntarily due to some family reasons. My problem is that I now work a contact centre job with very regimented schedules that you have to adhere to by the second. This is a big change for me that I’m finding kind of difficult. The idea of taking a…


So I just left a job where my supervisor was incompetent and there was no structure. It was amazing… My boss was basically in over his head and was not able to keep track of myself and two other reps that covered territory across 3 states. This meant working whenever I wanted. Starting my day at 11 am and ending it at 2:30 pm. I’d fudge my field reports so no one was the wiser. Mondays and Fridays were office days and work from home so basically only worked 3 days a week. Maybe 15 hours a week total. I left voluntarily due to some family reasons.

My problem is that I now work a contact centre job with very regimented schedules that you have to adhere to by the second. This is a big change for me that I’m finding kind of difficult. The idea of taking a 15 minute break is laughable to me compared to the luxury of time I had before. 8 hour work days that require constant attention to a task feels so wrong to me now. I’ve tasted a kind of freedom that most don’t get to experience in their adult lives. I can’t go back!

So here’s my solution. I’m going to work like a dog for the next 3- 5 years. Scrimping, saving, working the unlimited over time they offer at the contact centre and maybe renting my house out to Airbnb. Once I have roughly $60,000 saved I’m going to buy a plot of land and put a simple cabin on it. From there I can rent my house out for $2100 a month. I’ll have more money passively than I’ll ever need and I can slowly outfit the cabin with solar and a rain catcher

I’ve got to get out of this grind. It’s unnatural and kills the soul. We weren’t meant to live like this. Just wondering people’s thoughts.

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