
I was marked as “Terminated” when in actuality, I had quit. What do?

So late in 2020, early in 2021, I worked at 7-Eleven. I enjoyed it, I learned a lot, and most of what I learned was during a corporate takeover of a franchise store that had fallen into inoperable standards (shelves were damn near empty but we had 240 cases of Monster energy drinks in the fridge, for example). I was able to become pretty good friends with the operating manager while we got the store up and running, and while she went to the company schooling sessions to become a manager. We had a pretty good bond, and she would even pick me up and drop me off to and from work. Fast forward to just a day or two before I quit and I wax having a problem with a coworker taking 1&1/2 hour lunch breaks. I texted the manager and let her know that this was ridiculous and…

So late in 2020, early in 2021, I worked at 7-Eleven. I enjoyed it, I learned a lot, and most of what I learned was during a corporate takeover of a franchise store that had fallen into inoperable standards (shelves were damn near empty but we had 240 cases of Monster energy drinks in the fridge, for example). I was able to become pretty good friends with the operating manager while we got the store up and running, and while she went to the company schooling sessions to become a manager. We had a pretty good bond, and she would even pick me up and drop me off to and from work.

Fast forward to just a day or two before I quit and I wax having a problem with a coworker taking 1&1/2 hour lunch breaks. I texted the manager and let her know that this was ridiculous and I needed help, not someone else to eat food I was nonstop preparing for customers. The next day, I'm brought into the office and REAMED for my complaint, with the manager asking why I had a “vendetta against this girl.”

I explained that I didn't, and I asked her to do something about the situation instead of yell at me for nothing. She theb proceeded to say I do nothing, and that's the problem. It was not. I did everything but the vault because I'm claustrophobic and it's tight and cold and hard to breathe in there. The manager then proceeds to get inches away from my face and starts screaming at me that I'm not the boss and who do I think I am, essentially having dove off the fucking deep end. I told her to quit screaming at me or I'm going to walk. She asked me are you quitting or am I firing you? I told her again to stop screaming at me or I'm walking, and that I said what I said and I meant it that way. She CONTINUED to scream at me to which I simply asked (24 times) if she was done screaming at me.

She kept on, so I laughed in her face and began walking to the front. I threw my name tag on the ground, it shattered, she bent down to pick up the pieces and I laughed at her, then told the coworker I'd had problems with that she'd won, and good fucking luck.

Now, I'm aware my leaving process could have gone smoother on both sides, but I specifically stated I was quitting. Why then, when I reapplied earlier this month, I was told I'm not rehireable due to being terminated? Another manager that I'm close with (that was actually a coworker before I quit, she just climbed the ranks very fast) is having HR look into it, but is there anything else I can do here?

I only want to do something because I had a chance at a lucrative career opportunity within that company and would like to resume where I left off, with an end goal of possibly having my own store one day. I love customer service work, leave me alone about it lol.

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