
Our jobs and mass communication makes our talents small and embarrassing

Some one who might be a local treasure generally has to work for a living which is an energy drain and it’s hard to want to do anything but rest after work. How many times did you plan to workout or something after work just to realize you’re too tired? Mass communication makes it so when we’re creative or athletic we’re automatically competing with people who get to spend all their time doing that making all of us feel small and incompetent by comparison. It’s a grinder designed to make all of us mundane and incapable. Do the things you want to do, don’t be embarrassed

Some one who might be a local treasure generally has to work for a living which is an energy drain and it’s hard to want to do anything but rest after work. How many times did you plan to workout or something after work just to realize you’re too tired? Mass communication makes it so when we’re creative or athletic we’re automatically competing with people who get to spend all their time doing that making all of us feel small and incompetent by comparison. It’s a grinder designed to make all of us mundane and incapable. Do the things you want to do, don’t be embarrassed

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