
Work from bathtub

I was listening to a book this weekend, “The Splendid and the Vile” about Winston Churchill during WWII. I'm so compelled, the next time my boss brings up RTO between my immunocompromised self and taking care of my elderly dad, to say something along the lines of if Churchill can win a war from his bathtub, I'm pretty sure I can process payments just fine from my home office. XD ​

I was listening to a book this weekend, “The Splendid and the Vile” about Winston Churchill during WWII.

I'm so compelled, the next time my boss brings up RTO between my immunocompromised self and taking care of my elderly dad, to say something along the lines of if Churchill can win a war from his bathtub, I'm pretty sure I can process payments just fine from my home office. XD

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