
there’s so much issues with scheduling and people not working, yet management will do nothing about it

i have barely had any days off due to the fact that i always end up having to cover with two people (who are dating each other) who seem to refuse to work and always act like they have a medical emergency, or their mental health is bad, etc. nobody else apparently, will try to cover these shifts. i never say no because i worry i'll seem like an asshole for not covering their 'medical emergencies' that they have so often. there was one recently however, despite this 'urgency' they go to the pool with no problem and the gf that was 'horribly sick and feeling so shitty' is able to swim in the pool and spin around in it and get gently thrown in by her bf. it seems like some higher ups know about this but they don't care or try to do anything about it. one is…

i have barely had any days off due to the fact that i always end up having to cover with two people (who are dating each other) who seem to refuse to work and always act like they have a medical emergency, or their mental health is bad, etc. nobody else apparently, will try to cover these shifts. i never say no because i worry i'll seem like an asshole for not covering their 'medical emergencies' that they have so often. there was one recently however, despite this 'urgency' they go to the pool with no problem and the gf that was 'horribly sick and feeling so shitty' is able to swim in the pool and spin around in it and get gently thrown in by her bf.

it seems like some higher ups know about this but they don't care or try to do anything about it. one is front desk and she can't do much, sadly. however, one literally manages the schedule and sees no issue in the fact that one person is working 80% more than the other people here.

on the 4th of july, i nearly had to work a double shift (11+ hours) which is VERY UNUSUAL and very unhealthy when i work outside in hot 90-100 degree Fahrenheit weather. this is due to the fact another coworker had gotten covid, however, i was completely unaware of this until my dad, who used to work on their board came in and tried to resolve the situation. because i couldn't do much since i had to keep watching the pool and they have a rule that we can't leave unless our other coworker comes in. even though the two whos shifts i usually take 'promised' that they'd work for me, they never tried to cover this shift. in fact, nobody did. because of this, they said they were going to close the pool early and make it extremely unfair to the people swimming in the pool.

i only left when someone around the front desk said i could leave. however, this meant that the pool area, which is usually supposed to be watched, was neglected. the higher ups got mad at my dad for telling front desk to call the covid-catcher's bf (who also works here), and covid catchers bf got mad that front desk called to check in on covid-catcher because she wasn't answering the call. apparently the scheduling manager knew about this but she never let it be known to me that i'd have to do a double shift. nor did she try to put anyone else on the schedule.

covid catcher also isn't working for the rest of the month, causing me to have to take more shifts.

it's getting to the point where i feel sick to my stomach and beyond livid every time i work here. every time i think of this job i get nauseous. besides this, i've had breakdowns and stress because this pool always has teens coming in that never listen. all of this treatment caused my dad to leave the board, especially since they ignored my struggling and focused on me 'not telling' the bad teenagers anything (again this happened when i was dissociated out of my mind from stress). sometimes i gave up on telling the teenagers what to do and dissociated because they'd never listen. ever since my dad argued, one of the higherups doesn't even say hi to me anymore and i get treated passive aggressively by my manager.

right now, i'm doing that too. i feel no motivation working for a shitty $11 an hour part-time (probably full time at this point) job where i get no benefits. i don't even bother to tell people they're breaking a rule or if thunders around in hopes that the higher ups would snap and finally fire me. but knowing how careless they are and how enabling they are with people who NEVER work, it's a possibility they never will. thankfully this job is seasonal and ends in october, however, it's painful waiting for that.

it's so bad that i almost miss being treated like dirt at my first job, my fast food job that i've only had for 3 days.

it's almost dreadful looking for other jobs because i remember how hard job apps ignore you and because what if they don't allow me to put in my 2 weeks? i've said i wanted to quit but front desk just goes 'nooo you can't quit :(' and a director on the board called me and basically tried to keep me there and thought about giving me a front desk job. which i really wish i didn't do because it put me on the spot when i was about to quit a toxic job. even though i complained i worked for 9 days at a row nobody still tries to do anything. all i got these days is the schedule manager asking me if i could take a shift and one day her telling me 'don't let these people overwork you' … but i just wanna ask 'well why do you let them get away with this?' i've had lazy coworkers for the other years i've had this job but it was NEVER this bad.

just overall, fuck work and fuck capitalism for thinking they can work me to death and sabotage my mental health because they hire the worst people on earth.

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