
not fair, but reasonable

This is a really short one, but I wanted to share. About a year ago I was promised good overtime money if I picked up an extra gig that was tied to my work. It was supposed to pay hourly based on my salary as promised by my boss. Instead, after doing this gig for a couple months, it finally went into my paycheck. I was getting paid a flat pay of 20 dollars a day, for anywhere between 3 and 6 extra hours of work. I talked about it with a supervisor, and then I sent an email to my boss dating I couldn't do it anymore. I thought, well that sucks, but I've just gotta move on. That's a lot of lost hours, but oh well. Nope. My boss comes back with “I wish you'd talked about this with me first, but you aren't allowed to stop doing…

This is a really short one, but I wanted to share. About a year ago I was promised good overtime money if I picked up an extra gig that was tied to my work. It was supposed to pay hourly based on my salary as promised by my boss. Instead, after doing this gig for a couple months, it finally went into my paycheck. I was getting paid a flat pay of 20 dollars a day, for anywhere between 3 and 6 extra hours of work.

I talked about it with a supervisor, and then I sent an email to my boss dating I couldn't do it anymore. I thought, well that sucks, but I've just gotta move on. That's a lot of lost hours, but oh well. Nope. My boss comes back with “I wish you'd talked about this with me first, but you aren't allowed to stop doing this.”

I met with her on my next shift to talk things over, make sure that she understood what I was saying. She did, alright. She understood that pretty much every day was sub minimum wage. She even said it was disgusting and unfair. Then she told me “This falls under reasonable expectations as requested power your contact, so you have to keep doing it.”

Apparently disgusting, unfair, and below minimum wage don't equal unreasonable expectations for work. Never think of your boss as a friend. Their sole purpose is saving their own metrics from looking bad.

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