
What if this inflation nonsense is just a ploy to keep us down?

Hear me out. When the pandemic came, everyone suddenly called us lowly “unskilled” workers “heroes” and “essential”. With the great resignation, people started quitting in doves and demanding fair salaries driving even McDonald's to start paying 15+/hr. Do you think the capitalists just made up this inflation BS to give themselves a reason to lower salaries/fire people so that we can be brought under their heel? Makes sense with all those articles about “entitled millennials” being in for a “rude shock” for their “unreasonable demands”. I think I might be on to something!!

Hear me out. When the pandemic came, everyone suddenly called us lowly “unskilled” workers “heroes” and “essential”. With the great resignation, people started quitting in doves and demanding fair salaries driving even McDonald's to start paying 15+/hr.

Do you think the capitalists just made up this inflation BS to give themselves a reason to lower salaries/fire people so that we can be brought under their heel?

Makes sense with all those articles about “entitled millennials” being in for a “rude shock” for their “unreasonable demands”.

I think I might be on to something!!

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