
a little help with a phonecall about workman’s comp?

So last Wednesday I burned the top of my foot at work as a fry cook. Initially it didn't hurt but I've never really had a burn this bad before so I didn't know what I was dealing with. My boss had me take my shoe and sock and ice it. He gave me some sunburn gel too. After about 30 min, he had me leave early but paid for the rest of my day snd asked if I was going to go to a doctor. I told him probably not cause, like I said, it barely hurt right after. Then I walked home. It got worse the next day to point I need crutches to walk and if its not elevated, it hurts still. My mom visited on Friday and freaked out when she saw it so we went to urgent care and they told me it was infected…

So last Wednesday I burned the top of my foot at work as a fry cook. Initially it didn't hurt but I've never really had a burn this bad before so I didn't know what I was dealing with. My boss had me take my shoe and sock and ice it. He gave me some sunburn gel too. After about 30 min, he had me leave early but paid for the rest of my day snd asked if I was going to go to a doctor. I told him probably not cause, like I said, it barely hurt right after. Then I walked home. It got worse the next day to point I need crutches to walk and if its not elevated, it hurts still.

My mom visited on Friday and freaked out when she saw it so we went to urgent care and they told me it was infected and gave me meds and a note. I called my work and told my manager and she asked if I was going to do workman's comp or if I was going to pay. (And when I was coming back ) I said it was a $100 and not a huge deal ( my mom paid anyway cause she's too sweet).

But it got redder and grosser and I had to go back to a doctor. They said there might be a secondary infection and gave me a shot (never had a shot in the butt before lol) and set me up with an appointment with a specialist. The thing is that that's going to cost at least $300 and they think I need more appointments after which is out my budget so I filed for Workman's Comp. The receptionist and my mom super on baord. I want to call them today and let them know first before it goes through but I have NO IDEA how to start the phonecall or really what to say. Its a mom and pop sort of place that's pretty cool and pays the best I've ever made. I don't really want them to hate me over this

So Reddit, any advice on what to say/how to start this phonecall I'm incredibly nervous about? TIA <3

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