
I feel guilty every time I call in sick

I’ve called in more than usual over this summer. America went to shit and as someone who has a uterus and is also in school to be an elementary school teacher I had a tough time with it. I’m also getting married soon. I took a few mental health days when things got too unbearable. Why do I feel racked with guilt every time? I have the PTO, my work hasn’t had any issue with it, I never fall behind on my work. But whenever I call out sick I think about it all day long.

I’ve called in more than usual over this summer. America went to shit and as someone who has a uterus and is also in school to be an elementary school teacher I had a tough time with it. I’m also getting married soon. I took a few mental health days when things got too unbearable.

Why do I feel racked with guilt every time? I have the PTO, my work hasn’t had any issue with it, I never fall behind on my work. But whenever I call out sick I think about it all day long.

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