
Getting my head around how to change careers and why won’t people talk about what their profession is.

As a lurker on this sub, I read a lot of comments about how they are getting better pay/benefits when switching to a competitor company. And my question is why won’t you say what your profession is so we get a grasp on what you do? I doubt that what you do is an extremely rare profession and only 100 people in the entire world only do what you do and if you talk about it you will get outed by your peers. But letting us know what your occupation is and how the competitor found you would be at least helpful. I support everyone that gets paid more than what they were and get giddy when someone gets a brand new opportunity. Me personally, I’ve been a warehouse worker for 10 years now here in NE, I started at $8.50 in 2012 and when my manager asked me to…

As a lurker on this sub, I read a lot of comments about how they are getting better pay/benefits when switching to a competitor company. And my question is why won’t you say what your profession is so we get a grasp on what you do? I doubt that what you do is an extremely rare profession and only 100 people in the entire world only do what you do and if you talk about it you will get outed by your peers.

But letting us know what your occupation is and how the competitor found you would be at least helpful. I support everyone that gets paid more than what they were and get giddy when someone gets a brand new opportunity.

Me personally, I’ve been a warehouse worker for 10 years now here in NE, I started at $8.50 in 2012 and when my manager asked me to go with him to a new company this past February I was very happy, I ended with $15.50 at that job and started with $17 at my current job, and after 6 months of working at another warehouse I already hate it and it is draining me mentally.

Now I really want to try a new profession but my big problem is I don’t know what I want to do. I don’t have clear goals for my future. I just want out of working at a warehouse and somewhere I can use my problem solving skills to be put to use. I know the personal problems that I have are stopping me to advance my career. I would like some general tips on how to change from a warehouse worker to anything else.

I just need help.

And I’ll say where I worked. It was called OTC, I drank a lot of their kool aid and fell for it for 10 years.

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