
“Anyone who truly believes that there can be a pay offer that meets or exceeds the highest levels of inflation for a generation, is not being realistic” says UK Rail boss who earns £588,000 annually.

I like to follow news globally and this caught my eye. The UK is currently going through the biggest worker strikes across multiple sectors and this is what a UK Train Rail boss has said today. I don’t know about you but this is disgusting. What kind of world do we even live for this to be a norm? I think a global movement needs to be introduced that focuses on the pay gap between the CEO and the employees.

I like to follow news globally and this caught my eye.

The UK is currently going through the biggest worker strikes across multiple sectors and this is what a UK Train Rail boss has said today.

I don’t know about you but this is disgusting. What kind of world do we even live for this to be a norm?

I think a global movement needs to be introduced that focuses on the pay gap between the CEO and the employees.

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