
recruiter contacted me out of the blue. Then attempted to scold me for my wage expectation.

I've read a couple of similar post and always chuckled at them. Today it actually happened to me. I'm currently employed and actually pretty happy with my position. I'm the safety manager for a mechanical contractor. I'm a union Tradesman, being paid union wages, with a number of perks. Gas card, WFH, freedom to make my own schedule at times. My resume was posted on indeed last year and I just forgot about it. Last week I was contacted by a recruiter “We have a position you'd be a great fit for”. I get the occasional spam email but clicked on this one. And turns out I actually was a good fit. So it wasn't spam this recruiter actually did some homework, cool. As I said I'm happy where I am but I'll always entertain a conversation I figure if I'm ever offered a position I'll go really high with…

I've read a couple of similar post and always chuckled at them. Today it actually happened to me.

I'm currently employed and actually pretty happy with my position. I'm the safety manager for a mechanical contractor. I'm a union Tradesman, being paid union wages, with a number of perks. Gas card, WFH, freedom to make my own schedule at times. My resume was posted on indeed last year and I just forgot about it. Last week I was contacted by a recruiter “We have a position you'd be a great fit for”. I get the occasional spam email but clicked on this one. And turns out I actually was a good fit. So it wasn't spam this recruiter actually did some homework, cool. As I said I'm happy where I am but I'll always entertain a conversation I figure if I'm ever offered a position I'll go really high with my requests. One of two things will happen. Either they'll say “sorry we can't do that”. Or cha ching they meet my demands.

For some context, I am a tradesmen, I'm Canadian, I have my CRSP (Canadian register safety professional). I also have a Bachelors in occupational health and safety. Combine all of those and as my current employer stated I'm “a construction companies wet dream” when it comes to safety.

So today I have a Microsoft teams interview with a recruiter.
Starts off in the usual manner, discussing experiences etc. I mention I worked a number of safety contracts on some pretty interesting projects, Oil refineries, nuclear power plants, steel mills, aluminum smelters. Some clients that are almost militant when it comes to safety. I'm pretty confident throughout the interview just reminded myself “they contacted me, not the other way around” so there's no pressure. The conversation is pretty light hearted.

Then it comes to wages and she's asks what my expectations are.

I politely and professionally explain to her “Well, given my education coupled with my experience. I'm currently making $****** annually. Plus insert perks. I'm working about 30 minutes from home, and able to work from home a few days a week. So in order for me to consider accepting a new position I would need at least $******* (I picked a nice round number and asked for $18,000 a year more). I would need a gas card, and a vehicle. However I wouldn't want it to be a taxable benefit….. ” I had a few more conditions but nothing over the top.

She responded with “oh, well this position starts at $65,000 a year” (not to knock it, but that is substantially less then I'm earning now, actually WAY less)

I said “I see, well again in order for me to leave where I am now. This is what I would need”.

Then it was like someone flipped a switch! She began berating me “no, you need to understand that some of those places you've worked can afford to pay that for safety, this is a smaller company and they can lt afford that!”

Me: “O…..k..?”

Her “no! Tell Me you understand this!”

Me:” I'm sorry. I don't think this is going to work out. Thank you very much for reaching out”

I ended the call.

Then my phone rings, ITS HER!!
“Hanging up on me was very unprofessional! This company needs a safety coordinator, and you're asking to much”.

Me: “Are you fuckin kidding me? Lady… fuck off” hangs up

Phone rings again. Ignore. Rings AGAIN ignore.

Then I get an scathing email. Telling me I'm wrong. That my wages are unrealistic and I need to come way down in order to be considered for the role.

I honestly thought my wife or some friends were playing a prank on me..

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