
Pushing women in tech to lower wages

I've been interviewing for the past 2 months and I've noticed this from a lot of companies. They want women to work in tech, but as a mid-level who's looking for another job, they're giving me below junior rates even when I negotiate, and I always get the “you're too expensive, you should be grateful we want to hire you at all” kind of speech, that even after technical tests that I succeed in. I've asked people from my network if they experienced the same thing, nope, they get the rates they want and are all paid more despite doing the same job, but they're only men in tech. I was even offered an internship contract instead of a long term contract. I'm 28, I have 4 years of professional experience in tech, I've been working since I was 18 as a teacher prior to that. I don't know what…

I've been interviewing for the past 2 months and I've noticed this from a lot of companies. They want women to work in tech, but as a mid-level who's looking for another job, they're giving me below junior rates even when I negotiate, and I always get the “you're too expensive, you should be grateful we want to hire you at all” kind of speech, that even after technical tests that I succeed in. I've asked people from my network if they experienced the same thing, nope, they get the rates they want and are all paid more despite doing the same job, but they're only men in tech. I was even offered an internship contract instead of a long term contract. I'm 28, I have 4 years of professional experience in tech, I've been working since I was 18 as a teacher prior to that. I don't know what to do anymore. It's making me feel hopeless for the future.

EDIT 1: I'm a fullstack software engineer

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