
Missing hours

So i work for a nationwide security company and like most companies I’ve worker for they have an app where you can view paycheck stubs, hours, accrued time etc. Our pay period ends Thursday and starts on Friday and by Monday evening we’re able to view or checks in the app. Last night i go to view my upcoming check and I’m missing 7hrs on my check. They have multiple ways to see what times we worked being through ehub or even our sign in sheet. Now usually my checks our accurate but starting last week a bunch of my coworkers said that they’re checks we’re completely messed with one of my coworkers, who i work the same shift with all week, said that they only had 10hrs on their check. Needless to say this morning because of my check looking short I call my account manager for the post…

So i work for a nationwide security company and like most companies I’ve worker for they have an app where you can view paycheck stubs, hours, accrued time etc. Our pay period ends Thursday and starts on Friday and by Monday evening we’re able to view or checks in the app. Last night i go to view my upcoming check and I’m missing 7hrs on my check. They have multiple ways to see what times we worked being through ehub or even our sign in sheet.

Now usually my checks our accurate but starting last week a bunch of my coworkers said that they’re checks we’re completely messed with one of my coworkers, who i work the same shift with all week, said that they only had 10hrs on their check. Needless to say this morning because of my check looking short I call my account manager for the post im working. I’ve called the account manager multiple times and each time he ignores my call and it says the voicemail box is full and hangs up. I’ve tried calling the actual company number but it tells me to go to the app or send an email. Idk what to do and I’m really getting aggravated because ITS MY MONEY. Anyone have any advice for me?

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