
Call to action. Starbucks and Chipotle made examples out of unionization, let’s make examples out of them. Let’s hit them where it hurts.

We all know about the recent events involving Union busting with these two companies. What happened is despicable but it leaves us with an interesting opportunity. Over 65% of Americans support unionization. We need to orchestrate a mass boycott. These are the two perfect companies to make an example against since their product is non essential with alternative options. The plan is to create an image that we can share across social media platforms calling for a boycott until unionization is allowed. We get as many left leaning influences to share this same message on tiktok and Twitter daily. Heck, even some right leaning people are in favor of unions. And while this is going we will periodically share stock prices. The more we show stock prices dropping the quicker they will continue to drop. That’s how we finally put pressure on the CEO’s. The end goal is to have…

We all know about the recent events involving Union busting with these two companies. What happened is despicable but it leaves us with an interesting opportunity. Over 65% of Americans support unionization. We need to orchestrate a mass boycott. These are the two perfect companies to make an example against since their product is non essential with alternative options.
The plan is to create an image that we can share across social media platforms calling for a boycott until unionization is allowed. We get as many left leaning influences to share this same message on tiktok and Twitter daily. Heck, even some right leaning people are in favor of unions. And while this is going we will periodically share stock prices. The more we show stock prices dropping the quicker they will continue to drop. That’s how we finally put pressure on the CEO’s. The end goal is to have them back out of their stance against unionizing and have all the locations unionize at that moment.
Please message me. We need an artist for the initial image we are going to share. We need several people to reach out to influences. Any other ideas are welcome.
Even Elephants run when Ants swarm.

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