
Just started my first unionized job. Coworker/shop steward told me “you don’t have to be constantly going. if you have no work, don’t worry about it”

I have no words. I've spent the last 8 years with an inbox that I've never seen the bottom of, emails I could never catch up on, and people expecting me to jump to attention the moment they needed me. I was a little wary of taking the job only because I had to take a pay cut if I took the position, but between the absolutely awe-inspiring benefits package and that one sentence…I just moved up in the world. Unionize.

I have no words. I've spent the last 8 years with an inbox that I've never seen the bottom of, emails I could never catch up on, and people expecting me to jump to attention the moment they needed me.

I was a little wary of taking the job only because I had to take a pay cut if I took the position, but between the absolutely awe-inspiring benefits package and that one sentence…I just moved up in the world.


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