
A girl from my last job tried to sabotage my new job

The girl who did schedules at my old job never liked me. I was always nice and tried to make her like me but it never worked. She also couldn't keep anything to herself. She was the only person I told about my new job bc I needed to change my availability, but the next day I went into work, everyone was asking where my new job was. On top of that, she would always try to make me stay later than scheduled or do her work on top of mine. She also brought weed into work at least 3 times that I know of. No one likes her; I had multiple people tell me that she would probably get fired soon but it's been 3 months since then. I could ignore the weed and put up with the extra work, but how's she's acted recently is my last straw.…

The girl who did schedules at my old job never liked me. I was always nice and tried to make her like me but it never worked. She also couldn't keep anything to herself. She was the only person I told about my new job bc I needed to change my availability, but the next day I went into work, everyone was asking where my new job was.

On top of that, she would always try to make me stay later than scheduled or do her work on top of mine. She also brought weed into work at least 3 times that I know of. No one likes her; I had multiple people tell me that she would probably get fired soon but it's been 3 months since then.

I could ignore the weed and put up with the extra work, but how's she's acted recently is my last straw. My last week working there, she only scheduled me for 4 hours. For the whole week. Then, she comes to my new job through the drive-thru, while I'm there, and tells my coworker, “She's a total bitch. She talked shit about me all the time, and she requests off for weeks at a time for no reason.”

I did request off 3 weeks over the time I've been working, but each one was for a different summer college program. I had also called and spoke to higher ups about it before even placing my request off form.

I think I'm going to called our boss to report her. For everything. What do you think I should do?

TL;DR: a girl from my old job told a coworker at my new job that was a bitch and request off weeks at a time for no reason(untrue)

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