
I got fired for being late.

I used to go to this anarchists cafe/bookstore that gave out shots of Narcan. Like needle and vile narcan. Asheville NC has a crazy heroin epidemic going on. I was walking to work one day when I was flagged by a few people towards a homeless couple. The guy was unconscious and The woman was loosing her mind and screeched at me, absolutely wasted. Her partner was out cold with blood coming out of his nose. I’ve never administered narcan through a needle before but I dialed it up and BAM. Jabbed it in his arm and pressed down. My hands were shaking. Maybe 1 minute after he regained consciousness and immediately began throwing up. All the while this lady is incoherently screaming at me. 5 minutes after that we get absolutely swarmed by police. Apparently she had been threatening other people with a “gun” but my dumb ass just…

I used to go to this anarchists cafe/bookstore that gave out shots of Narcan. Like needle and vile narcan. Asheville NC has a crazy heroin epidemic going on. I was walking to work one day when I was flagged by a few people towards a homeless couple. The guy was unconscious and The woman was loosing her mind and screeched at me, absolutely wasted. Her partner was out cold with blood coming out of his nose. I’ve never administered narcan through a needle before but I dialed it up and BAM. Jabbed it in his arm and pressed down. My hands were shaking. Maybe 1 minute after he regained consciousness and immediately began throwing up. All the while this lady is incoherently screaming at me. 5 minutes after that we get absolutely swarmed by police. Apparently she had been threatening other people with a “gun” but my dumb ass just ran up and couldn’t hear a word she was saying. When paramedics got there they said he probably would have died if I didn’t give him that narcan as soon as I did. They then gave him ANOTHER dose of narcan. I felt like a badass but my boss was still pissed I was late to work even after I told him the story. If you’re city is having an opioid crisis, carry narcan with you at all times. It can literally save a life. Fuck the job. Save lives.

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