
Healthcare in America is a shitshow

Just had to post a really quick rant. American healthcare is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever dealt with. I NEVER go to doctors. In the last 6-7 years or so I’ve been to the doctors twice. I don’t even go for checkups. I recently hurt myself in the gym, and actually really needed services. The plan I have through my job has a high deductible option which I took because the other plan with monthly premiums was still crazy expensive and I figured I don’t go to doctors anyways so pay less per month out of my paycheck. I went to the ER for my recent injury because I could barely move, I sat in a waiting area for 1 hour and 30 mins, I was seen for 5 mins by an NP who basically said we can’t do anything just let it rest and here is some valium.…

Just had to post a really quick rant. American healthcare is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever dealt with. I NEVER go to doctors. In the last 6-7 years or so I’ve been to the doctors twice. I don’t even go for checkups. I recently hurt myself in the gym, and actually really needed services. The plan I have through my job has a high deductible option which I took because the other plan with monthly premiums was still crazy expensive and I figured I don’t go to doctors anyways so pay less per month out of my paycheck. I went to the ER for my recent injury because I could barely move, I sat in a waiting area for 1 hour and 30 mins, I was seen for 5 mins by an NP who basically said we can’t do anything just let it rest and here is some valium. I got the bill today and it was freakin 2000 dollars!! I work freakin hard for this country and without a partner I could never make it on my own, I pay my taxes and do everything by the book. The ONE time I actually need some services for me I get absolute shit service and shit care and get a nice large bill to boot. I swear to god its sometimes better to not work in this country and you get more. This country’s healthcare is a shit-show.

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