
Hired full time but at a lower wage then my temporary contract

I was hired as a IT technician for a 3 month contract at a major corporation. The recruiter gave me a decent wage all was well, after my 3 months are up I’m told they are happy with my performance and I’ll be full time in 2-3 weeks.. 2-3 weeks go by and I’m still not back to work was told they need to wait for the new quarter budget. Fast forward about 60 days later I finally get the news I’m waiting for and setup a interview with HR. They presented me with a offer that pays $4 hour less then I was making as a TEMP. Before I left I discussed wages with coworkers and they told me I should ask for more money and so I did but being given a lower offer then I had before was a punch to the gut. I enjoyed my time…

I was hired as a IT technician for a 3 month contract at a major corporation. The recruiter gave me a decent wage all was well, after my 3 months are up I’m told they are happy with my performance and I’ll be full time in 2-3 weeks.. 2-3 weeks go by and I’m still not back to work was told they need to wait for the new quarter budget. Fast forward about 60 days later I finally get the news I’m waiting for and setup a interview with HR. They presented me with a offer that pays $4 hour less then I was making as a TEMP.

Before I left I discussed wages with coworkers and they told me I should ask for more money and so I did but being given a lower offer then I had before was a punch to the gut. I enjoyed my time off but I could of used it to find a job, after 2 weeks of failing to negotiate I said sure I guess I’ll take it but I still haven’t finished their hiring process I’m required to fill out some forms for reference and background check even though I already had to provide this months ago.

Moral of the story don’t ever trust corporations or bosses, I have a sour taste in my mouth but since I haven’t been applying for jobs I don’t have anything else lined up so I’m forced accept this pathetic offer.

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