
My part time job tried to make me come in every day for 5 hours….

I picked up a part time job (Nonprofit) over the summer for some extra vacation money for the fall and it was 20 hours a week. I told them that I could work two 10 hour shifts on Sunday and Monday, they were cool with it until I got a new supervisor. His first day, he demanded that I come in for 5 hours for four days in a row every week so that “I don’t lose the daily company culture by only working two days” I work full time in another job and this is impossible/ ridiculous since they have been cool with it since April. This morning, he informed me to start looking elsewhere because his team will be willing to put in the hours to make a difference. I informed him that two 10 hour days is still the 20 hours so that argument doesn’t really make…

I picked up a part time job (Nonprofit) over the summer for some extra vacation money for the fall and it was 20 hours a week. I told them that I could work two 10 hour shifts on Sunday and Monday, they were cool with it until I got a new supervisor.

His first day, he demanded that I come in for 5 hours for four days in a row every week so that “I don’t lose the daily company culture by only working two days”

I work full time in another job and this is impossible/ ridiculous since they have been cool with it since April. This morning, he informed me to start looking elsewhere because his team will be willing to put in the hours to make a difference. I informed him that two 10 hour days is still the 20 hours so that argument doesn’t really make sense, but that I’d be willing to work something out where I might can come in more throughout the week when I get the chance. I was called in to a meeting this morning and two hours later (still in the meeting btw) I was let go.

People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers and bosses.

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