
Share any stories (including hearsay) where an Employer agreed to relax rules upon a new/prospective Hire standing their ground?

Am wondering if there are any stories of workplaces agreeing to a relaxation in some or the other rules (like Lunch timings, where you can and cannot eat lunch, clock in/clock out timings) upon a prospective or new hire telling them that it's a deal breaker ? Want to know how common it is and how often you can negotiate a relaxation at the offer/acceptance/first week stage. PS: AM talking specifically of individual relaxation eg. A worker may need a 2 hour lunch break than a 1 hour one to pick up their kid from school. While this may sound unfair and against the spirit of solidarity of workers it isn't if you think of it.

Am wondering if there are any stories of workplaces agreeing to a relaxation in some or the other rules (like Lunch timings, where you can and cannot eat lunch, clock in/clock out timings) upon a prospective or new hire telling them that it's a deal breaker ? Want to know how common it is and how often you can negotiate a relaxation at the offer/acceptance/first week stage.

PS: AM talking specifically of individual relaxation eg. A worker may need a 2 hour lunch break than a 1 hour one to pick up their kid from school. While this may sound unfair and against the spirit of solidarity of workers it isn't if you think of it.

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