
New job changed my schedule two days after wisdom teeth removal without notifying me

A week or so ago I got a new part-time job. On Wednesday of last week I worked my first shift and was trained. The work is easy enough, but it's only fifty cents above minimum wage, the fifty cents being because it's overnight shifts. On Wednesday, they also showed me my new schedule and how to access it online. I checked the schedule again that night and saw it was different from when they showed me that morning. One of the days I was scheduled for was Tuesday, which was the day after I was getting my wisdom teeth out. I called to confirm if the scheduling changes were correct, to which they said yes. I let them know that I realistically probably wouldn't be able to work on Tuesday because I'd need a while to recover from the surgery. In retrospect, I probably should have specified that I…

A week or so ago I got a new part-time job. On Wednesday of last week I worked my first shift and was trained. The work is easy enough, but it's only fifty cents above minimum wage, the fifty cents being because it's overnight shifts. On Wednesday, they also showed me my new schedule and how to access it online.

I checked the schedule again that night and saw it was different from when they showed me that morning. One of the days I was scheduled for was Tuesday, which was the day after I was getting my wisdom teeth out. I called to confirm if the scheduling changes were correct, to which they said yes. I let them know that I realistically probably wouldn't be able to work on Tuesday because I'd need a while to recover from the surgery.

In retrospect, I probably should have specified that I meant I shouldn't work until the next shift they had scheduled me for, which was Saturday, but I figured they would just remove Tuesday from my schedule and that would be that.

I'm not sure why, but my wisdom teeth removal caused me excruciating pain. It's finally starting to ease up thanks to lots of ibuprofen, but it still hurts and my cheeks are swollen to high hell, and I can barely open my mouth enough to speak.

Just a few minutes ago, I opened my online schedule to double check which hours on Saturday I was working. That was when I noticed that unbeknownst to me, they had rescheduled my Tuesday shift for this morning, Wednesday. It's already past my shift by this point, so I essentially had no called no showed.

They didn't call me to inform me of the changes, nor did they call me this morning to ask why I wasn't there which I found a bit strange. How do I go about this? Should I call and apologize (and how?), or should I take this as a warning sign and instead find another one of the many other part-time jobs available in my area, which probably have better wages?

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